Got Bunion Surgery—and I Was Walking In A Boot 3 Days Later

Treace Medical Announces Publication of Additional Positive Clinical Data Supporting Lapiplasty® 3D Bunion Correction™
March 29, 2019
Procedure aims to remove bunions
May 1, 2019

Got Bunion Surgery—and I Was Walking In A Boot 3 Days Later

April 3, 2019— Patient Nancy Coveney admitted to Reader’s Digest that she was one of millions of Americans who avoided surgery to correct her bunions for fear of a lengthy recovery. But when the pain began impacting her ability to walk comfortably, she reached out to Dr. Harold Goldstein with Westmed Medical Group in White Plains, NY to learn more about her options. He explained that the new Lapiplasty® 3D Bunion Correction™ Procedure would correct all 3 dimensions of her deformity and allow her to begin walking within days. Following surgery, Nancy was sent home wearing an orthopedic boot and described her recovery as ‘much easier than expected.’ She was up and walking within three days in a walking boot and did not feel the need to continue taking pain medication beyond that point.

Only a surgeon can tell if Lapiplasty® 3D Bunion Correction™ is right for you. As with any medical treatment, individual results may vary and this experience is unique and specific to this patient only.

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